Affright - significado y definición. Qué es Affright
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Qué (quién) es Affright - definición

¦ verb frighten.
¦ noun fright.
·p.a. Affrighted.
II. Affright ·noun The act of frightening; also, a cause of terror; an object of dread.
III. Affright ·vt To impress with sudden fear; to Frighten; to Alarm.
IV. Affright ·noun Sudden and great fear; terror. It expresses a stronger impression than fear, or apprehension, perhaps less than terror.
I. v. a.
Frighten, terrify, alarm, scare, daunt, appall, dismay, shock, confound, dishearten, dispirit, fright, intimidate, startle, overawe, put in fear.
II. n.
Terror, fear, fright, alarm, dismay, consternation, panic.